90 Degree Angle 400

Reapris4 141 kr

Frakt beräknas i kassan


Magswitch 90 Degree Angle 400 – 8100454
The Magswitch 90 Degree 400 features 2 MagSquare 400 magnets, each with 400lb/181kg holding force on each axis.


  • Features patented Magswitch® technology for complete on/off control that requires no cleaning.
  • Incredible strength with precision positioning.
  • Offers unmatched versatility as magnets move up and down or reversible on each axis.
  • Holds flat or round steel.
  • Additional MagSquares can be added for extra strength.
  • Easy turn on/off with 180° turn of the knob.
  • MagSquares may be removed from the angle for other use.

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