Mini spray jet +kit

IbedaSKU: 5000-0014

Reapris41 110 kr

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The compact and light weight Flame Spraying Gun

Flame spraying gun for thermal spraying with powder using oxy-fuel gas flame. Function and safety are guaranteed through a gas mixture system using the injector principle. The following fuel gases can be used: acetylene, propane, hydrogen in combination with oxygen as well as compressed air used for cooling purposes. The MINISPRAYJET is designed for universal application where wear and corrosive protection have to be considered.

Because of its modular design, the standard gun MINISPRAYJET can be used for many applications (e.g. through nozzle extension etc.)

Areas of use/application

  • Metal powder coating
    for the hot and cold spraying techniques with self flowing or metal and oxidized ceramic powders
  • Corrosion resistant coatings
    On the basis of low melting metal flame spraying powder (for example zinc and aluminium)
  • Plastic coatings
    Many different types of thermo-plastics and epoxy material

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